California requires all corporations, limited liability companies (LLC) and common interest development associations to update their records on file with the California Secretary of State every two years during a specific 6-month filing period based on the filing date of the original form, which is known as a Statement of Information.
An LLC’s first Statement of Information is due within 90 days after registration with the California Secretary of State, as well as when any information has changed since the last complete Statement of Information was filed. Penalties exist for failure to file this form.
The Statement of Information contains the business address of the LLC, as well as the names of the members of the LLC and its statutory agent for service of process, a complete California street address is required for the latter to enable service of process. It is also contains the name of the type of business and the chief executive officer.
For both an LLC and a corporation, its name must be entered exactly as it is registered with the California Secretary of State. Corporations must have all three statutory officers (Chief Executive Officer, Secretary and Chief Financial Officer) listed with their complete addresses, whether business or residential. Every LLC is required to have at least one member. If no manager is appointed, all members of an LLC are managers. Each must have a complete business or residential address.
To learn more about the forms such as the Statement of Information required to be filed by business owners in Calfornia, contact The Swenson Law Firm for assistance today. The Swenson Law Firm is located in Sacramento County proudly serving the entire State of California.
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