Filing a trademark
is important to your business’s success, but you should also be aware that your filing is a matter of public record which can lead to you receiving an influx of solicitations. You should be aware that while these solicitations will look official, the majority of them are scams or parties looking for money from you. According to the USPTO website
, the offers are often for “(1) for legal services; (2) for trademark monitoring services; (3) to record trademarks with U.S. Customs and Border Protection; and (4) to “register” trademarks in the company’s own private registry.”
The solicitations often use names that are similar to the USPTO, which typically includes terms such as the United States, trademark, patent, office or agency. They may even have official-looking documents that reference the USPTO application number, the registration number, your filing date, or other information that can be obtained from your public filing.
So, how do you know if the correspondence you’re receiving is legitimate? Official correspondence from the USPTO will be from Alexandria, VA. Additionally, if you receive an email from their office it should have the “” domain.
Don’t be taken advantage of or tricked into paying fees that you do not owe. If you have questions regarding whether correspondence you have received is legitimate or not, please contact us for assistance.
The Swenson Law Firm is located in Sacramento County and we proudly serve businesses of all sizes from all over the State of California. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with matters such as trademarks, defending lawsuits, business formation, contract negotiations, hiring employees, and protecting your intellectual property. With our years of complex business trial and litigation experience, we are an effective, efficient and affordable choice in representing you at the bargaining table and in the courtroom.
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