As spring weather arrives, employers may start to notice an increase in time-wasting activities by their employees. It is difficult to be stuck inside when the weather is nice. As a result, employees often turn to online activities, socializing with co-workers and other similar activities to distract them from the monotony of their job.
So, how does an employer motivate employees and prevent boredom? Short of removing all technology from the office and disciplining employees for socializing during work hours (both terrible ideas), below are a few suggestions:
It is impossible to stop all time-wasting activities, because everyone needs a break now and then. However, if you can be creative and consider ways to decrease time wasting activities and keep your solid employees happy, it will benefit everyone involved.
If you are interested in learning more about employer-employee matters or how we can assist you with your business-related needs, contact the knowledgeable lawyers at The Swenson Law Firm to schedule an appointment.
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