Whether you run a large corporation or you own a small business, protecting your intellectual property (IP)
is vital. One critical IP mistake could be devastating to your company. Below are a few considerations:
Many business owners make the mistake of assuming they own the IP created by their employees (or even independent contractors). If your company does not have a contract with the employee or contractor that grants ownership rights to all IP created while in your employment, you may have very limited, if any, rights to the IP.
In order to effectively protect your IP, you must register it for trademark, copyright or patent protection. Registration is the only means for safeguarding your IP from being copied by your competitors. Just be aware that there are some scam artists out there that claim they will properly register your IP rights, but they take your money and run. The safer route is to work with an IP attorney to ensure that your IP is properly protected.
It is common for entrepreneurs to believe that they have plenty of time to figure out a plan for their IP. Sadly, this can lead to your ideas or inventions benefitting somebody else. Even if you are the first to create a product or service, you are not protected unless you are the first to register it. In other words, apply to safeguard your IP should be at the top of your priority list!
The above are just a few of the factors you must consider when it comes to your IP. The most crucial step in protecting your IP is to consult with an experienced attorney.
If you are interested in learning more about protecting your company’s IP or how we can assist you with your business-related needs, contact the knowledgeable lawyers at The Swenson Law Firm to schedule an appointment.
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