If you have started a business and formed it as a limited liability company (LLC), you are likely enjoying the flexibility it is offering the members. The LLC structure has minimal formal requirements compared to other legal structures. In fact, California law does not require the members and managers of a LLC to hold annual meetings. However, there are two important reasons why your LLC’s Operating Agreement should require them anyway:
If your business is established as a limited liability company, it is important to review your Operating Agreement to determine whether or not it requires annual meetings to be held. If it does not and you are interested in amending your Operating Agreement to include the requirement, we can help. We can also assist you with understanding how to properly document your meetings. The minimal effort and cost it takes to comply with the annual meeting requirement is worth the significant amount of protection it can provide the entity and its members.
If you need assistance with your limited liability company or other business-related matters, contact the legal team at The Swenson Law Firm to schedule an initial consultation.
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