The Probate Court oversees the probate process. In Sacramento County, the Probate Court is located on Power Inn Road. The probate court in Sacramento County and other counties divides the property of someone who is deceased. They oversee the distribution of assets and the payments of liabilities, which includes payment of debts and distribution of property to the beneficiaries.
In some circumstances, probate can be avoided. Some of those circumstances may be as follows:
If your loved one has died and you are not sure if you need to go through the probate process, contact an estate planning attorney that is familiar with probate law. It is a common belief that if someone dies with a will they will not need to go through probate. However, even with a will they will likely still go through the probate process if there was not a fully funded trust
If you would like more information on Probate in Sacramento County, contact our office to schedule an appointment at 916-333-0833. We offer free Probate consultations.
Also, see our article on immediate considerations after losing a loved one.
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